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Harry Louis Official Site


Hey everyone, well, as everybody knows, i am Brazilian, and mostly all my family are back in Brazil, so, sometimes it's imposible not miss them, and yeah, this weekend i was feeling a bit down and homesick... Thank god i do have my friends here, that i can count on them, and that's really good ;)


So, after the X Factor live show on sat, when Matt Cardle sang "FIRST TIME EVER I SAW YOU FACE", it made me remind lots of good moments that i've spend with my family and friends in Brazil, when i was only 15yo, and acctually that song made me very emotional.... Besides the fact i've called all my family to hear they voice, lol, i've took Matt's song and made a little footage of the most special people to me...

There's a world that only exists in Brazilian Portuguese, the meaning is of "missing you", and as we say, lot's of SAUDADE...

SAUDADES de tudo que a gente passou juntos, ANA PAULA E FERNANDA (LITA)...

SAUDADES da comidinha e do carinho da minha AVO MARIA...


SAUDADES de abracar e beijar minha IRMA linda...


SAUDADES do meu PAI...



Well, i have to thank to my friends here in London, who are my "family" over here, ELIANE, YARA, ALEX, ROGERIO, LIZ & FABIO... Thank you very much for being with me at all moments...


And, a huge and special thank to my baby, and my mum, who's so close to me, just here, in Madrid....


There's some other people, who i didnt forgot ;)

Well, enough with the sentimental crap, lol... Sex posts coming up soon ;)

Have a great start to your week, folks...



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  1. Que bacana cara, legal esse seu post. Imagino como deva sentir falta de todos. Mas é como você disse, tem amigos aí… e em certos momentos os amigos são a nossa familia. Que mal pergunte, como disse eu conheci você ontem (entre aspas, claro sauhsuha), você, ou alguma produtora, nunca pensaram e fazer cenas no Brasil? Pergunta boba, mas levando em consideração o fato de tu ser brasileiro.. uma coisa leva a outra… ?

  2. You even looked cute when you were 15. That was a long time ago for me.

    You really do make me laugh. You’re being really serious about being homesick and then finish with “Well, enough with the sentimental crap, lol… Sex posts coming up soon.” LOL But I love that you share your personal life with your fans.

    Gavin x

  3. Btw if there’s anything I casn do to make you feel better just ask.;-)

    Gavin x

  4. You’ve got a heart of gold Harry! :) x Dan x

  5. Awww is so cute to see a part of you that we didn’t know, I know what it feels like when you miss someone (or everyone) being in another country, I live in Argentina but I’m from another country (kinda far away from here), and it is really difficult to not think on your love ones, every single day, but your friends will help on that, cheers honey and I hope you can join your family soon coz Its almost xmas time!

    have a nice day

    • Awwww, how sweet… Yeah, that’s why i do this kind of videos, to help me remeber who i am, and who love me for real ;)
      Its good to feel Homesick sometimes, there’s nothing wrong with it…

      Big kiss…

  6. Harry Louis!
    A primeira veez que eu te vi..nossa quase morri! Um corpo incrivel e um pau maravilhoso! Realmente uma delicia! Mas é bom saber que as estrelas pôrnos tambem tem sentimentos, visto que, muitas pessoas esquecem de vê-las como pessoas normais só que, no seu caso, extremamente lindas e sensuais! kkk Fico feliz em saber que está bem e, não vou mentir, ate me emocionei um pouco! Boa sorte Harry, pode apostar que seus fãns e todos aqueles que te adoram vão sempre estar com você! Esse post só fez minha admiração e carinho aumentar por você! Obrigado por dividir um pouquinho da sua vida conosco! Beijooos – Henrique!

  7. Hey, Harry! I’m a big fan…. I just think seeing family pics with children and all doesn’t quite fit or match with the sex content surrounding your family. I don’t even know why i’m saying that…. whatever. Luv U!

    • Well, it doenst match with sex, you’re rigth… But, my blog is something diferent from the other blogs, where you only see sex, sex, sex… Many times its soooooo fake, that the actor who owns the blog its not even him replying the messages and questions… I am 100% genuine, and like to show people the other side of HARRY LOUIS, the side you cant see on the movies…

  8. He, Harry… I was reading your posts for the first time… Nice to know you better, besides the stallion you show on films… Can I ask you personal stuff? Or will I be too inconvenient? Don´t you like being a button? You´re great as a top, but don´t you know you have a beautiful butt? Have you got a boyfriend? Is that too personal? rsrsrs.

  9. Hola harry bonito post, se ve que tu familia y amigos te han apoyado, creo que eso es lo mas importante… ve que bueno que seas brasileño, tambien soy latino, de colombia, pense que eras del este europeo como rumania o algo asi… pero bien hombre espero andes bien y se ve que eres un buen tipo… suerte man… beijosss desde bogota, colombia.

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