Website Chat from Envolve
Harry Louis Official Site


Hey everyone, i know it's been a while since i've last posted something but this week it's been crazy busy...

Next monday, 16th i will be off on my Holidays with friends, and it will be so much fun...

First we'll start in Ibiza, from the 16th till the 22nd of august, then we go to Athens and will stay in there for 2 days...

On the 24th, we get on board of the Atlantis cruise for a 9 days fun in the sun!!!

From mythical Athens to the wonders of Israel, the Med’s true magnificence comes alive as we sail through five diverse countries in nine unforgettable days on the most beautiful ship in the world. This is the first gay cruise to overnight in Tel Aviv, one of the hottest cities on the planet, the spectacular Celebrity Equinox it will be a great fun for and a perfect getaway...


After the cruise, we'll stay in Barcelona for few days, and also few days in Paris... Can't wait until monday, really looking forward to get away on well deserved holidays ;)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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  1. Lovely holiday – excellent cruise – you post pictures
    I liss you and Fernando – Thnak you Harry

  2. I don’t know what I’ll do without you for so long but have a great time. I’m off to London (your fave place) for my holiday from 2nd Sep to 13 Sep. I presume the blog will be suspended while you’re away.

    Gavin x

    • Hey Gavin, the blog will be working fine, and with new pics from my holliday!!! Hope to post at least once at two days ;) xxx

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