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Harry Louis Official Site

Lucas Entertainment Footage

So, i spent my whole day doing nothing, so, to dont get bored, i've created a little footage with the pics from last week's shoot...

Pay atention to the end of the movie... It's so much fun...

Hope you all like it!!!



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  1. Harry, congrats pelo footage. Um homem de mtos talentos vc, ficou animal! Nada como um boring day p fazer aflorar a criatividade. hahaha
    Espero q vc produza mais e mais.
    I’m looking forward to having more and more! Cheers!

  2. Fantastic pics! Who was the cute young guy that kept appearing and appeared at the end with Michael (and whom I presume is Mr Pam)?

    • Mr Pam is the crazy blond girl on the pics, and the guy in the pics, by the end of the footage, is just my bf, lol…



  3. Non riesco a vedere le foto….:(

  4. Your boyfriend is totally hot! You’re very lucky!

  5. Harry, o Maskietto ta falando q nao consegue ver as fotos…

  6. Maskietto, tenti di cambiare il tuo navigatore… puo essere

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