Website Chat from Envolve
Harry Louis Official Site


Hi there everyone... Just started my day, with a bunch of fruits for brakfast, and now just finished packing...

Going to gym , sunbed, and hairdresser... Gotta be looking good for this upcoming weekend...

So, have a great day everyone, and hope you've been enjoying my last updates!!!



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  1. Hello! And you have a nice day. Last video was very hot!

  2. Of course I love the latest updates. I just hope I don’t seme like a stalker replying to all your posts. LOL! I’m just a big fan and it’s great to be able to communicate with you here.

  3. Have a great trip! Bruxelas eh uma cidade mto bonita, fora q tem aquele charme da lingua francesa com o mix de holandes. Morar na Europa eh uma blza, tdo fica tao pertinho e facil de viajar. Q saudades…
    Have fun!

  4. Forgot to ask, se puder nos presentei com as fotos do seu fds no Gay Pride, plz!

  5. Hi Harry, u r just stunning…man u r tooooooooooo sexy… ur dick…

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